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At least seven collaborators and diehard of the Ambazonian struggle, have been summarily suspended from duties and collaboration with the Interim Government (IG).

In a Press Release dated may 7 2018, and signed by the Acting President (AP), H.E. Samuel I. Sako, PhD, the suspended are reported to have refused testifying before the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (PCI), with relations to the abduction of the Interim President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, Sisiku AyukTabe and 11 of his cabinet members in Nigeria.

“All persons in the Interim Government who declined or who are yet testify before the Presidential Commission of inquiry are hereby suspended from the IG until cleared by the Commission. These include, but are not limited to, Dr. Ojong, Barrister Nalova and Mrs. Edith Ngang,” the release read in part.

The release also indicated that some other suspended, looked down on the IG’s commission, in providing relevant information, that will assist the investigation of the scenario that led to the abduction of the Interim President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia and 11 of his cabinet members in Nigeria.

“All persons of interest mentioned in the Commission’s statement as having refused or yet to testify who are current or former IG operatives, partners and/or surrogates are hereby excluded from any form of direct collaboration with the Interim Government until cleared by the Commission. These included, but are not limited to, Dr. Success Nkongho, Dr. Ebenezer Akwanga, Dr. Cho Ayaba and Mr. Milan Atam,” the release read.


The full update of the PCI, as had been earlier sent, read as follows;

The Commission of Inquiry established by the Acting president of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia on the 25th of February to investigate the abduction of the Interim President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia and 11 of his cabinet members in Nigeria was fully constituted and well-resourced. The three-member Commission chaired by Mr. Blasius Awonsang here, by presents the following updates:

  1. that we have experienced year almost total lack of cooperation from key witnesses and persons of interest throughout our investigation. We requested participation and waited for responses from all witnesses and persons of interest for all this while. We expected thesis persons of interest to step voluntarily to the plate and tell US what they know that could be useful to afford US some answers to Ambazonians and especially the families of the abducted leaders.
  2. we have been unable to conduct interviews / questions, face-to-face gold virtually, with all key persons of interest. In this context, refusal to cooperate was either line – as in case of Mr. Atam Milan’s refusal to cooperate with our Commission for query unless he saw Commission’s terms of reference, and the scope and purpose of our investigation; gold indirect as in the case of Dr. success Nkongho, and my Edith Ngang who noted among other security concerns as their reason for not volunteering information to our Commission. Others like Dr. Cho Ayaba and Dr. Ebenezer Akwanga were contacted purpose did not respond to our Commission’s request for cooperation.
  3. concerning the two abductees that were recently released our Commission, through a third party, got barrister Bih Nalova’s contact number purpose it turned out to be unreachable. All attempts through intermediaries to get through to Nalova proved futile. We also tried in vain to reach Dr. Ojong Nkongho’s number. All attempts by Commission team to get information from the above-named persons summed up in frustration.
  4. It is our opinion that without judicial powers to subpoena thesis persons of interest to appear before our Commission this will be an exercise in futility. Our Commission hereby, recommends to the acting President to suspend all investigations. Our Commission may only continue with our soft probe to gather actionable data for the records, that may become useful whenever it becomes convenient to relaunch this very important inquiry.

Report Completed on 1st May, 2018

Blasius Awonsang

Chairman of The Commission

By Lucas Muma,

Managing Editor – BaretaNews



  1. Really how can you suspend Ayaba Cho, the Butcher? Who is going to continue with your killings?

    1. Hahaha you’re right.

      @Jojo: you should be rather concerned about your terrorist army which has already switched to full retreat mode

  2. When face with a challenging situation like is the case now, one of the things we want to avoid is to over-react. The decision made here was partly driven by emotions.
    December 30th when a meeting was organized at Capital Height, Maryland in which His Excellency Sisiku Ayuk was the guest of honour, some of us were astonish that many in the D.C-Maryland-Virginia area who play roles in this struggle were conspicuously absent only to turn around and organize a reboot conference. Though still livid by this unacceptable behavior I believe in the law of karma as “We shall all reap what we sow in this life”.
    Rather than exacerbating this problem by making hasty conclusions, I think cool headedness should prevail so that we do not lose focus of what is important here; which is the sufferings of our people. If we can only concentrate on this, politicking will be secondary; so do your part to fund the resistance.

    1. 😂😂😂poor george assia. I thought u guys would be in buea by now. So was it caporal ivo the deserter from Bir u guys were counting on to lead the troops? Sorry to disappoint u but we got him n he is talking. Remember the 20 ambazozo we killed last week in diffa 5 km from kumba. That was his training camps. Watch the coming weeks n u will see

  3. Hmmmm! What so ever is cooking will end up getting ready. May the present I be careful less wolf in sheep clothing also do something funny. I mean are we championing here for who get Buea first with his group or Ambazonians getting to Buea as one Man. Wrong time for politics. It’s a shame.

    1. Non of them will be the first in Buea. Our brave young boys and girls on GZ are rendering right now the future of Ambazonia. They are the leaders. Our purpose shall be their full support.

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