Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency

Ambazonian war of Independence: Church Leaders Express Outrage Over Military Option.

By Mbah Godlove

Some Ambazonian church leaders have chided the colonial regime of French Cameroun for attempting a military option in restoring peace in Southern Cameroons

During a convention in Buea recently, men of God from some denominations including Catholic, Presbyterian, and Baptist called on the Biya Government to put an end to the ongoing military action in Ambazonia.

The church authorities in one voice lampooned the crackdown on the population, stressing that peaceful measures should be adopted.

To the leaders, the persistent gun battles between the Colonial army and restoration fighters only aggravate the situation on the ground.

Since the start of the Ambazonian war of independence four years ago, the colonial military has been perpetrating war crimes against unarmed civilians.

They have killed nearly twenty thousand persons warned thousands as well as razed over five hundred villages.

Meantime over a million people have been forced to flee their homes and yet over five thousand others incarcerated.

It is against this backdrop that the church leaders are demanding peaceful ways of resolving the ongoing armed conflict.

  1. Southern Cameroonians in biya’s fangs.

    biya, and his soldiers (the bir) in arrogance and deceit are killing us off under the pretext of biya’s fake one and indivisible cameroun. Where is the UNION TREATY BETWEEN LRC AND SOUTHERN CAMEROON??? When did Southern Cameroon (independent in 1961) become part of East Cameroon (independent in 1960)?????? Biya has the guns and the army to kill all of us in Southern Cameroon. Southern Cameroonians must try every way to defend themselves from this monster. Covid-19 on the other hand is ravishing us …. We have no where to run for safety except To GOD. Only God can rescue us from biya’s fangs. Southern Cameroonians must continue the training of her army by contributing to the Stabilization plan. WE ARE NOT, HAVE NEVER BEEN PART OF LA REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN.

  2. Southern Cameroonians in biya’s fangs.

    biya, and his soldiers (the bir) in ferocious arrogance and deceit is killing us off under the pretext of his fake one and indivisible french cameroun. Where is the UNION TREATY BETWEEN THE TWO INDEPENT COUNTRIES: LRC AND SOUTHERN CAMEROON??? When did Southern Cameroon (independent in 1961) become part of East Cameroon (independent in 1960)?????? Biya has the guns and the army to kill all of us in Southern Cameroon. Southern Cameroonians must try every way to defend themselves from this monster. Covid-19 on the other hand is ravishing us …. We have nowhere to run for safety except To GOD. Only God can rescue us from biya’s fangs. Southern Cameroonians must continue the training of her army by contributing to the Stabilization plan. WE ARE NOT, HAVE NEVER BEEN PART OF LA REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN.

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