Dr. Ayaba Cho Lucas, Secretary General of the Southern Cameroons Youth League-SCYL has sent out a scathing message to the people of Ambazonia what is now known as the Southern Cameroons. He wrote:
Fellow Ambazonians,

In moments like the present, a people need a sense of direction divorced from the treacherous and hopeless path that has characterized their lives for more than half a century. That sense of HOPE is not in 2018; the illusionist power in Yaounde or membership in the Assembly of retired and sleeping parliamentarians.

That our people lack clean drinking water, regular electricity and that our roads have become dead traps on which tragedy is a regular occurrence is a consequence of many years of neglect by the regime of occupation. As if failure to develop our homeland is not enough, the transfer of our assets has become the new mantra upon which the savage regime intends to ensure our elimination as a people. The people of Wum rose up in defiance of the system and were carted like cows to the slaughter and deported to Bafoussam where they are currently being held.

Today the people of Bamenda are demanding basic conditions of decency that protect their dignity. The people of Fako County and our entire population are expressing their disgust against the economic thuggery concerning the CDC. While these battles remain relevant they MUST be tied to the overall goal of ending the occupation of our homeland. We will never improve our lot in these isolated battles designed to improve our lives under occupation. Prisoners seek freedom from jail and not a change in detention conditions.

The political party system through which many have made careers or used as a pathway to civil service jobs, micro-projects or get retirement and remain relevant in civil society has become part of the gigantic fraud installed over our people by the Cameroun system.

In the coming days, we will unveil our extensive platform for the people of Ambazonia. It will be a platform first and foremost about Ambazonians, their interest as a people and their hope for a future void of uncertainty. In every political configuration, somebody or a group of persons usually represent your interest. In the United Kingdom, the Scottish interest, that of Wales, Northern Ireland are represented. We are the only people whose politicians who participate to perpetuate the system of extortion think defending our interest and people is a political liability to their ambitions to power. Today, the Governing Council of the Federation of Ambazonia will speak for you, represent and defend your interest as a people against alien rule and foreign domination. We will ensure that we terminate by force the collaborationist approach of political opportunism and restore hope to our people in a land of their own.

BaretaNews Statement:

We appreciate this message from the Ambazonia leader. In times like these, this message will galvanize the sleeping soul of lost militants and bring more on board to be hopeful. We appreciate the fact that the Governing Council is doing something. We of BaretaNews have always said that the Restoration of the Independence of Southern Cameroons is legally placed and a basic human right to the people of Southern Cameroons. However, this must come with a cost and it is that cost we want to see. We want to see an efficient website which centralizes the movement and could be a reference point, we want to see a paid official Facebook page for the movement, a tweeter account. All these medium are important for the communication strategies and serve as a reference point for all those who identify with the movement. We want to see a reform SCNC and a liaison with the Governing Council. We want to see diplomatic moves from this body to friendly nations who could help in the Southern Cameroons course and most especially we want to see strategic moves back home. We of this platform wish good luck to the energetic leader Mr. Ayaba Cho Lucas and all those who share the Southern Cameroons dream hoping things would become better for the people of Southern Cameroons.

God is still saying something.

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