Southern Cameroons United States Cngress Donald Trump


Dear President Trump,

Following the devastation of human and economic life in British Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia); I respectfully request not only for America’s support for an independent Ambazonia but also for a “Trump Plan” to help rebuild its economy similar to the Marshall Plan (the European Recovery Program) after the second global confrontation.

I mean after the Congressional hearings on the Anglophone problem, the writing is clear on the wall regarding what transpired against the people of Ambazonia then and now.

That is why I strongly recommend that our country’s policy towards Ambazonia constitute a “Trump Plan” (Ambazonia Recovery Program) aimed at rebuilding burnt down villages and rebuilding the entire Ambazonia economy.

Instead of encouraging conditions that only foster economic migration, this is an opportunity for America to give a chance for meaningful development of the bauxite, oil, gas and gold fields of Fako, Ndian, Manyu and the gas and iron ore wealth of Nyos and Oku to be exploited not for the benefit of a selfish few but for the sustainable economic benefit of all the people of Ambazonia, who own this natural wealth. In my view Mr. President, this is the only insurance for sustainable peace and security between La Republique du Cameroun and Ambazonia and around the Gulf of Guinea.

It is on record Mr. President that America used more than $110 billion US dollars in 1916 to rebuild Europe. Only a 1/4 of this amount is needed to rebuild the Ambazonia economy destroyed and devastated by more than 60 years of brutal occupation and illegal exploitation of its wealth both on surface soil and offshore.

Should the American people invest in Ambazonia, such investment will not be for free because Ambazonia has more than enough natural resources oil, gas, bauxite, iron ore, manganese, gold, and also (timber, coffee, cocoa and palm trees, rubber and tea) to pay back any money loaned to them with full interest and without guarantee.

The advantages of such a “Trump Plan”, Mr. President (some of which we need mention include but are not limited to):

  1. The creation of millions of direct and indirect jobs from mining and oil and gas projects that could easily be generated all over Ambazonia (given the presence of natural resources everywhere in the country). That would account for millions of graduates and qualitied professionals now aging fast without finding jobs to do.
  2. Act as an automatic check on the exodus of our youth population from Ambazonia to America in search of a better life (passing through dangerous nations like Libya). This would ease pressure on American borders.
  3. Give America a loyal and dependable friend along the strategic strides of the Gulf of Guinea for geo-political calculations. In this dangerous world today, America needs only loyal friends not opportunistic allies.

Finally, Mr. President, as you are aware, the people of Ambazonia are fully committed to their freedom and independence. They know fully well also that “Peace knows no price.” That is why they are ready to pay any price for their peaceful existence as a free economic and political independent nation just like other nations. This is also the best outcome for all the stakeholders in my humble opinion, Mr. President.

Thank you for taking time to read this, Mr. President.


From your fellow citizen, Dr. David Makongo

  1. How naive! This is a prove that you guys have no idea about world affairs. You are banging on the wrong door. Instead of wasting your time with the USA, you should be talking to either France or England. You honestly believe that the USA would go to war with his closest allies France and England because of you? This is laughable. You are now kissing the USA’s but and I hope you will like their final response.

    1. biya bastard you are so smart about world affairs, but your bastard father Butcher of Ambazonia has underdeveloped camerounese for donkey, take your advice to him

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