ADF/AGOVC has lost its Liberation Mantra: Ransom Taking Has Taken The Orgnanisation Hostage

By Mark Bareta BARA

Let me be clear, the leadership of the ADF/AGOVC has gone out of the lane with respect to the mantra of the liberation struggle. That is the reason they only condemn kidnapping for ransom when it is done by a sister group while glorifying theirs. That is the major difference between my humble self and most of these noisemakers. I’ve been consistent against kidnappings, attacks on schools, and many other anti-revolutionary ills.

It is rather unfortunate that even some fellows within the leadership cycle of AgovC/ADF whom I used to respect are at center of these deficiencies in Ambazonia (Ground Zero). Preaching against kidnapping for ransom in public speeches while they practice it behind the scenes.

I know that my statement a few days ago calling on ADF/AGOVC to release Pa John Acha and refund the money collected from his family has increased their hate against me. Look at the sham of the court they are propagating on the ground, a supposed court/ judiciary that collects ransom before the actual judgment is as corrupt as French Cameroun structures.

Since I publicly stood against this unholy action that is glorified by the ADF and its leadership, their usual sabotaging schemes are popping from all directions.

Take the case of the kidnapped priests in Mamfe which I stood against on September 18th, 2022. I vehemently condemned it even when their purported leaders were silent. And as I write, they are still silent. Have you seen any statement or video from the ADF/AGOVC Leadership condemning the kidnapping of the Mamfe priests? Bird of the same feathers right?

Today, a member of the ADF /AgovC leadership Horace Ngulla, a UK-based Ambazonian who is in charge of the ADF in the Southern zone with a certain Mama Wally Onthemove, another ransom-taking cultist member in the USA plus many other ADF/AGOVC surrogates are sharing a disgusting image tagging me as one of the sponsors behind the kidnapping of the Mamfe Priests. Since I condemned the corrupt practices of the ADF group in Batibo against Mr. Acha, they are struggling to put Mark Bareta in the same kidnapping cult they are operating. A shambolic disgrace from this organization and its leadership.

This is what the AgovC/ADF and their surrogates do. They cannot justify their kidnapping and ransom-taking in Batibo as I castigated, they have turned their smearing campaign on me. Losers

Five years after, these games do not mean anything and Ambazonians see through the emptiness of Agovc/ADF actions within the sphere of the revolution. They see it big time.

Members of this organisation must do better. I know there are some good eggs within the Agovc/ ADF including some incredible ADF fighters in Bui. But he who stays silent in the midst of injustice is an accomplice. Stand up and denounce this madness and distance yourself from this ass-licking cultist mentality. Let us see the originality of the ADF/AGovC alive again. Let us see the General Ivo ADF again. We do not want to see fat thickening generals who appear only when Ambazonians are ‘arrested’ for ransom or when it is another 1st October celebration. The ADF and AGOV have been taken hostage. It needs freedom. Its members must now rise up, speak out and free the organisation or PERISH soon.

Like I said in my video of September 18, 2022, the church is a no-go area and those Priests must be released.

Mark Bareta

October 20th, 2022

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