A Fake Referendum cannot give birth to a united, stable and prosperous country. 20th May is banned in Ambazonia.
An abusive relationship founded on lies, manipulation, propaganda, force, genocide, bad faith, bribery and corruption cannot last. On April 21st 1961, Cameroun acting in league with France and Franceafrique countries except Mali and voted against the independence of Southern Cameroons aka Ambazonia in the UNGAR 1608(XV) but 64 nations voted for it. Thus, Southern Cameroons won her independence by a majority vote of 64 as against 23 and 10 abstentions. This is one of the justifications that Southern Cameroons has her sovereignty right.
The vote by Cameroun against the independence of Southern Cameroons was against the agreed principles and policies which President Ahmadou Ahidjo, personally pronounced on the floor of the UN, during the pre-plebiscite talks, wherein he lied that if Southern Cameroons voted to join Cameroun, they will form a federation of two states equal in status and she will never on any occasion use her majority Francophone nation to suppress the rights of Southern Cameroons. This action was a red flag.
On 20th May 1972 Cameroun did just what he had promised and vowed not to do before the world body. She hastily organized an illegal and fraudulent referendum to suppress the state of Southern Cameroons. This was fraught with a lot of illegalities. Firstly, this was against Article 47 of his own Federal Constitution, which prohibited any attempt to tamper with the federal character of the federation. Secondly, there was not enough time given for Southern Cameroonians to be made to understand what was going on. Thirdly, the majority French Cameroun citizens were allowed to vote on an issue that concerned the sovereignty of the Southern Cameroons. Fourthly, the ballot papers at the polling stations had only one ballot paper and one option where people were only allowed to vote “oui” or “yes”. Fifthly, election results were declared at 6 p.m. on the same day exactly when polling closed and the results had not yet been transmitted to Yaounde, a process which takes over two week today despite the advancement of communication technology, which was not the case in 1972. By the said results, the “oui” or “yes” vote for a united republique of Cameroun scored 99.99%. There were no votes against and no abstentions or null ballots even as there were incidents of protests in some areas as individuals today testify.
Cameroun has since then used corruption, more deceptions, propaganda and genocide as weapons to suppress dissent and ensure the success of their occupation of Southern Cameroons and its assimilation policies within the land.
On 1st October 2017, Ambazonia emerged to take back her destiny and shape her future. We have said NO to black on black colonialism and put an end to impunity and a culture of deprivations, conspiracies and genocide.
20th May is banned in Ambazonia. Integrity counts. Self esteem counts. Our people deserve better. A nation founded on falsehood, bad governance and genocide to maintain its stranglehold on the people is unsustainable.
Never in our history will we ever again be subjected to this evil or continue to celebrate our murderers on 20th May while our people die in silence because of fear of brutality and genocidal overtures.
Ambazonia has arisen. Cameroun and her accomplices in Ambazonia have fallen. Once bitten twice shy. Fear referenda in the hands of rogue elements. Thank you Ambazonia!
Njousi Abang,
Education Secretary, AGovC