Why I endorsed the Interim Prime Minister initiative:

1) To end the outrageous multiple leadership claims;
2) To enhance a government body for a decent political and diplomatic representation;
3) To provide a consecrated legitimate structure for revolutionary consequence;
4) To consolidate diversed initiatives into a Unified operational front;
5) To frustrate overzealous factional entities;
6) To raise the Revolution’s standard;
7) To create a real opportunity for the enhancement of political & administrative experience;

8) To expose disruptive and unscrupulous elements within leadership position;
9) To foster nationalistic bonds amongst Southern Cameroonians;
10) To create a platform for our socio-political evolution and survival!
11) To promote our interaction with power and inspire a culture of governance;
12) To encourage a political credit system for patriotic sacrifices and national recognition;
13) To resolve unacceptable imbalances in representation within existing Organisations;
14) To empower the Independence Campaign with absolute authority;
15) To institute an accountable financial system and end the serial exploitations;
16) To create an official system of record, evaluation and assessment;
17) To personify and institutionalise responsibilities and accountability;
18) To create a more threatening revolutionary infrastructure against the Adversary;
19) To demonstrate the highest seriousness in the freedom campaign;
20) To avoid what then seemed an inevitable clash between factions with opposing agenda;
21) To attempt a different and unique cure for the leadership curse in the Revolution.

This initiative, however, poses a substantial threat to the Revolution and nothing in the above makes the Prime Minister portfolio an Independence rendering institution or a perfect body for the Restoration of Statehood or a formidable organ with a crucial revolutionary fighting spirit. But, it’s our best chance and greatest opportunity to confront La Republique Du Cameroun, keep the people’s hope alive, evolve stronger together, solve problems of division, improve social cohesion and, to test our political will and fate of survival as a people.

Therefore, if anyone is convinced of his ability to restore the Statehood of Former British Southern Cameroons then he should offer himself for service or work with the appropriate organs within the proposed Interim Leadership structure.

It’s embarrassing for anyone to see victory only through his leadership and becomes a skeptical Opposition simply because he ceases to be a favourite candidate or he’s out of consideration.

NB: The only alarming issue apart from the deployed mechanism that would be used in electing the interim government would be the Prime Minister’s estimation on the Diplomatic and Defensive Fronts. If a strong alliance is forged and every contemplated measures are adopted then we have only Freedom to hope for. Well, without doubt, the pride of those who project themselves as leaders and now perceive what they consider a down fall seems very much a great obstacle. But, why should anyone arrogate himself to be the only star in the political sky of Southern Cameroons?

Until Freedom Comes, We Stand Together.
…Comrade Don Wan-Obi.

  1. This is a clear vision of what lies ahead. To all those doubting Thomas’s, it’s time to embrace this vision of an interim PM for there remains no doubt that the idea is for the success of the revolution.
    Thanks Don Wilson.

  2. Bright idea for the PM . but where will the elected meet now that LA RC is still sending his Zumbi’s on the street?

  3. well spoken! unity to win our independence soon from this rotten destructive, corrupt LRC, the struggle must go on, bribes have failed, we will not fall into their fake propaganda and lies about our Consortium- SCACUF leaders, the struggle is about the majority of SCs all over the world,not any one individual, unlike biya for the wicked LRC, we are winning!!

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