On Election Of Joshua Osih as SDF Presidential Candidate
Ndifor Richard posted and claimed it is time for a change and when questioned by a fellow SDF Councillor that the SDF party has lost touch with the base, Ndifor boasted that it is the less than 1% percent Facebook base. According to him, the noise makers on Facebook are just 1% percent.
My response to Richard.
I think we are wrongly understanding the political situation in the Cameroons and what is currently going on. Ndifor Richard is looking and getting excited at the crowd in the convention just like his brother Nchem Rudolf who claimed that because a little less than 2000 delegates came from both Cameroons converged in Bamenda means the people want peace, unity and elections. It will be very naive for any one to think so and forget so soon what is actually going on in Ambazonia
Let me not delve into the conduct of the said elections in which all its structures from ELECAM, to Supreme Court and now a constitutional council are all made up of die heart CPDM officials, if the SDF thinks in any normal scenario they can beat the CPDM with its thieving machinery and even after loosing its political base then they are in for a big joke.
Let me very clear, it will be much easy to hold a confined conclave as they just did and even more very easy to hold a senatorial elections which will see councillors in a confined secured room than an open parliamentary or presidential elections. That elections most especially the Presidential and Parliamentary will hold only in la Republique but if Richard and Rudolf think that our people will go out to vote in an election which is already known then they are dreaming. If they think our people will ignore the mayhem, rape, destruction, genocide and both internal/external refugees situation to go out and vote then they must have smoked something else.
Richard should know that the very Facebook 1% base he is referring to has held this country hostage for two years going. It has destabilise the military, get it on its heels like never done before in the history of the Cameroons. That 1% made Richard’s SDF convention venues changed twice, it made sure the SDF required and demanded la Republique security man power who are armed to the teeth to secure the SDF convention like never done before. That 1% removed the biggest crowds across both zones in two different dates (September 22; October 1st) last year ever registered in the political history in the Cameroons. That move shaken the very core of the regime. Shut the mouth of the SDF and any other political gathering. That 1% removed people from all villages, communities. That 1% has killed the NW/SW divide. It had given the people of former British Southern Cameroons Self pride, hope and that 1% percent will bring change to the people of Ambazonia.
This very Facebook 1% Richard is insinuating is not yet tired. It’s energy and anger only increases especially as it sees that the SDF is prepared to bury the aspirations of the people who have lost their souls and much more. This Facebook 1% will fiercely fight and meet anyone coming to campaign in our communities with fire and fury. The environment will be gory for everyone. Richard and his friends should rejoice now for holding a highly controversial, unpopular and secured convention. If for one second they think, this convention is a pass to hold Presidential elections in Ambazonia then I am sorry, we still have not understood what is actually going on in our land. We are not done yet.
Let the bell rings to those who want to hear. I will be back.
Mark Bareta
Mark shut up and look for a job, October 1 2017, you said you will be in Buea yet you are still based in Brussels and hiding behind your keyboard. Even without elections in NW and SW, elections will take place in 8 other regions and anglophones leaving in the 8 regions will continue with their daily activities as they have been in the past 15 months. The only people suffering from FB thugs like you are the poor.
Jojo by another name?
For real.
Why are you changing your stupid screen name. You coward ‘jojo’. Go put your stupid comments in your frenchee nigga’s site crtv
@Pete and Spirit,
I don’t need to change my screen name @Abducted just speaking his mind. You all should be happy that we have a real Anglophone about to be president. Stay tuned, federalism is just around the corner.
Jojo, our parents fell for that in 961, but I am sorry to burst your bubbles, their children of today ain’t gonna fall for that anymore. My people did not die or tortured or raped or imprisoned or looted, burned alive for the sake of a federation with people who’ve been brainwashed to a point of not knowing their true history. We were never a French colony, so why don’t you get lost and continue to be a French colony forever.
Pete I understand you never was a French Colonie, however can you explain to the group who you were before 1961? Since you are a “massa sabe all”. You are talking about your people being torture; explain how your borrowed Internet and laptop will help them?
so i can’t express my own views? this is exactly the problem with you, you seem to believe everyone must think like you. The truth is anglophones in other parts of Cameroon are not worried about you guys with borrowed laptops and internet connection. The reality is that only the poor in NW and SW are feeling the heat, so life continues in Cameroon even without elections in NW and SW. You have made so many empty threats and promises on FB so it’s ok if you guys think no elections in NW and SW will imply you have your own country with capital city Buea = DREAMS
When we are able to put our hands on it, we should drop an atomic bomb on Cameroun as follows: One in Doula, one in Bafussam, one in Betoua, one in Marua, one in Garua, one in Ngandere, one in Younde and one in Ebolova. That way, we can be sure to kill or hurt all camerounese. I would love to be the person assigned to personally drop the ones on Younde, Bafussam, doula and Ebolova. They should build a monument for me in Amba country after that.
@Atem Bahia,
This is exactly what I am talking about, biafra like you coming to try to divide Cameroon. Why don’t you stay in your shit hold country and leave us alon
The SDF doesn’t indent to win any election. They are just begging for a bit share of the big cake in that fake state. My dear Ambazonians there are many distractors in the social medias but the thing is very simple. If you have any doubts about what we are doing ask yourself following 2 questions.
1. Has the Southern Cameroons ever benefited from that union with la Republique du Cameroun? (the goal of an union is that its parties equally benefit from that)
2. Will the Southern Cameroons benefit in the future from that union?
Nobody is asking the people of Ambazonia. The British Administration and in colaboration the UN sparred out one question. Which was by the way favoured by our fons and chiefs. It was never the intention of the Southern Cameroons to get absorbed or annexed by East Cameroun. It should have been an union of equals in a two state federation. All this bullshit with senatorial election (30% are nominated by the dictator) and presidential election is nonsense. We all already know the results. For what? My people stay focused what we do is right. That marriage has not worked in the past it will not work in the future.
This time around it will be a prenuptial marriage with lots of Caveats. Make no mistake, we can no longer be fool.
I pity SDF
It is a shame
I never knew that the party has so much stupid people in it. At least they are now openly expressing their illusions just as their master in LRC.
We have more important things at stake, this useless bunch of people don’t deserve any attention at all. They are fine with their so called SDF dream world.
Ambazonia rise never to fall.
This “puff puff jaw” man is just there for his belly, like Fru Ndi and SDF.
wish we could see your own belly.
You are no longer normal, you have all gone crazy.
You have voluntarily decided to live in a virtual Republic, coming back to reality is no longer possible.
Mad people.
Not as big and fluffy as yours. Loose some weight, please!
A virtual republic that is sending LRC military six feet, making LRC create a military base in Bamenda, crumbling LRC economy as acknowledged by satan biya in his end of year speech although blamed it on world economy despite GDP of Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa etc increasing, make LRC to transport kids from one region to another to celebrate so called 11th February, making lrc gov’t to live in Douala instead of Buea etc
There will always be naysayers. Some of this naysayers are brothers and sisters who have accepted slavery as a way of life. We are going to fight on their behalf because they simply do not know what is good for them, which is part of the damage they have incurred from being in bondage. In the noble Mungaka language, it is said that “when a monkey is infested with lice, you have to tie the hands of a monkey to shave her fur”. The monkey resist being shaved because she does not possess the capacity to appreciate the importance of shaving her infested fur.
A revolution is not a democracy. Be careful what you say or do because the revolution has a way of purifying itself, purging all those who obstruct its path. I’m reading on twitter from Mr. Elie Smith that the regional delegate for social welfare in northern zone has been kidnapped. This is part of our resistance, inch by inch we will get our country back.
Mr. Joshua Osih has the right to choose where he belongs. There shall be no election in Ambazonia, he can take it to any bank and it will not bounce. Recalcitrants will be smashed by the feet of the elephant, Ambazonia revolution.
Wonderful write up. Love it.
Guys, up your financial contributions. Money speaks, we need to be able to down those helicopter gunships, smash sonara without sending our boys on the ground. This are all doable if we have the dough. Again, up your contributions. So, tweet and contribute
Only a Camerounese, someone married to a Camerounese (like Boh Herbert, Eric Chinje, Dr. Alfred Munzu [not sure of his full names]etc), corrupted folks like Fru Ndi, Mbah Ndam, etc or someone with a drop of Camerounese blood can be against us or our restoration push. Reminds me of an old friend with a typical Bamenda name from his Bamenda dad, who scolded a Ndian man for asking for total independence, by claiming that the majority wanted federation. The Ndian man was not aware that the idiot with a Bamenda family name’s mother was a Bamileke whore, until I text and told him about it. Unfortunately, some of our people, who either did not know our history or did not care about the consequences of their actions, either got married to or had kids with Camerounese and children from those illegal unions are the ones betraying and pointing us out to enemy colonial forces today to be slaughtered and beheaded. One more time, I am calling again for a total stop of all marriages between Camerounese and Ambazonians and those already married, should start working on divorce proceedings, because such unions and their children will not be recognized under Ambazonian law. Ambazonians are free to marry spouses from any nationality, except Cameroun. You better listen, or, you will see!
After attacking Bamilekes, your nightmare, you are now going after Osih’s heritage.
Why do you always put the blame for your failure elsewhere?
You are all incapable to manage a small organization like yours, all you have got are large mouths and fatty bellies.
Bali Nyonga wants you to contribute and buy helicopters to bomb Sonara.
Aren’t you guys mad people?
This cannot be the side effects of banga or mimbo.
Again, when we are able to put our hands on it, we should drop an atomic bomb on Cameroun as follows: One in Doula, one in Bafussam, one in Betoua, one in Marua, one in Garua, one in Ngandere, one in Younde and one in Ebolova. That way, we can be sure to kill or hurt all camerounese. I would love to be the person assigned to personally drop the ones on Younde, Bafussam, doula and Ebolova. They should build a monument for me in Amba country after that.
feel free to drop your virtual atomic bombs wherever and whenever you wish. Drop one in Bafoussam and the atomic dust will kill you in Abakwa. Drop another one in D’la and the same dust will kill you SW.
They’ll not build a monument but a tomb for you in Amba land with the following epitaph on your tombstone: “Here rests a mad man, who sawn the branch on which he was sitting on”
You could not have articulated it any better brother Bali Nyonga. Just the fact that these bunches of recalcitrant empty heads think they can be doing the same things and expect a different outcome has cause them to finally expose their treacheries. Posterity will not be very kind to the SDF party considering the fact that many individuals lost their lives, their sources of sustenance, many dreams were deferred and physical wellbeings were compromised because they believed in the original ideals of this party. Pa Nangah must be rolling in his grave today considering the fact that it was his idea that brought Fru Ndi from the cpdm party to SDF.
What we are witnessing today is the fact that in reality, Fru Ndi never left the cpdm party.
Yes Ambalandars, we must make our pockets, our bank accounts etc. to do the talking. “Forward Ever, Backward Never”. We must not pass this problem to our children.
@Black Pickin,
Please don’t spend your time talking to these people. They have been leaving overseas for years and have nothing to show and this struggle is an opportunity for them to make up for their miserable time. Instead of asking for contribution, why don’t you take your monkeys black ass to Ground Zero and fight or ask your relative to go out and carry your wishes? All you know is typing rubbish.
Look at the kind of old gray haired mother you are married to in the name of hanging around for papers. First sort your self and the time you are doing in her basement before telling the brave lions of Ambaland how to liberate themselves.
You stupit monkey is either from SW or biafra descend. A regular NW knows the deep history between Anglophone and Bamileke. See how we perform our traditional customs and compare them to that of Bamileke. For your information did you ever ask yourself why Bamileke chief are always the one that perform traditional ceremony whenever we have a new chief in Bamenda? If you’re uneducated, I suggest you get some crash course about tradition from your elders before talking nonsense.
Thanks for exposing yourself and letting us Ambazonians know that you are not one of us. bamleke my head! Why don’t you go tell the people in Ekok that they are from Boki, which is across the border in Nigeria, or the Ejagam people in Ambazonia who speak the same language as Ejagam people in Nigeria that they are Nigerian? It shows that you are stupids foreign illiterate fool. If you knew a thing or 2 about international boundaries and borders, you will understand that, it is not about language or culture. There is a line. Fuck bamleke people, their chiefs and traditions! In case you and your camerounese country people infiltrating this forum need to know, unlike your corrupt and dull country citizens, we will be the first in the world to develop the a targeted (localized) atomic bomb that with capability to be measured to kill every human being or breathing thing in the targeted area(s). That way, when we drop one in Bafusam, it will kill every thing in the Western province, including that dumb sultan in Fuumban. Same results are projected for doula and beyond. This is call science! Scientific research. Ambazonians, if a bamleke, doula or any camerounese ask you for drinking water, put poison in it before you give them. Also, do not accept anything, food or drink from bamleke, doula and camerounes people. They are our enemies.
Computer game,
your programmers surely missed one code while programming you. This type of madness was definitely not intended in the computer game.
I hope your programmers are working on an update rather than upgrade.
Ambazonians there is no NW or SW. Both are a construct by the regime. So please don’t go into this trap of division. Rule and divide has caused us so much pain. Yes we share similarities with our Bamileke or Bassa neighbours. Which is normal in other countries too. Nevertheless we constitute as one people. We are Ambazonians. We are not Camerounians and never will be. The only thing we share in history was a very short time under German colonisation. To short to build up one identity.
Really!!! short time under German colonization?
Before France and England came ro split the country after yhe defeate of Germany were cameroon one country or not? Please stop all the fake news and misinformation, history is against all those of you who want secession.
Before England came they were no Anglophone, but cameroonians. You all can keep dreaming, it’s your right.
So Gambia will go back to be part of senegal because it was one nation before colonization. Jojo and co that is the weakest argurement to advance for your one and indivisible Cameroon
SDF Party = Silly Degenerate Fools Party.
Castrated goats.